
Happy 2014!!!!

*~*~*~ Happy New Year!! ~*~*~* 

Did you have a good celebration and first day of the year? My husband and I had a very low key New Year's Eve by spending it at home watching a couple of movies, then watched the downtown fireworks from our bedroom window at midnight.  We sure know how to party hardy.  So much fun! :)

Last picture of 2013.

Now that it's a new year, I figured I'd set some new goals for myself.  I'm big on goal setting, as I feel like it gives purpose and perspective to have goals.

My BIG, generic goals are to live life, have fun, and take more chances.

With that being said, my actual goals would be.....

Continue to eat as healthy as possible, including little/no processed food.  
Workout a minimum of 4 days a week.
Meet new friends in Nashville!!
Have date nights with the hubby at least once a month. 
Set specific monthly goals for household projects so we'll continue to make progress with the house.  
Remove negative from my life i.e. pessimistic friends, activities etc.
Spend as much time with my family as possible, including our dog Jake.

I saw this list of date ideas from Pinterest which I think is a really neat idea.  I'm not saying I'd do all the ideas that they say, but it's a good jumping point, I think.

I also really like this list I saw on Chris Powell's Facebook (the trainer on Extreme Weight Loss).  I'm going to come up with exact SMART goals for myself, just like below:

What are your New Year's goals?  Are you using the SMART method of goal setting, too?

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